As you know the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) space is quickly becoming hot with interest and we at AlliedOffsets have released our CDR report to walk you through the essentials. The CDR industry needs to remove 19–23 GtCO2/ye by 2030 to hit the 1.5 target by 2050; an audacious goal as never have we seen an industry need to be scaled so quickly at a global level. At AlliedOffsets, we are aiming to match that goal, and become the charter for that space with our CDR database.
We house data on over 500 project developers, 8 resellers with 101 transactions and 87 corporate buyers, making 564 CDR project purchases totalling 3.8 million credits.
In our CDR report we outline:
- The need for CDR
- 5 most scalable CDR tech solutions — Intro & Overview; Biochar, DAC, BECCS, Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement and Enhanced Rock Weathering
- Data Overview: Average Prices per Technology, Number of Projects per Methodology, Resellers
- Advanced Market Commitments & Frontier: How corporates are kick starting the market
- Frontier Re-Applications: Many projects are at varying technological readiness levels with a large degree of uncertainty as to how they will bring their CDR technologies to the market, how are project developers innovating and varying their prices and delivery volume projections upon reapplication to the frontier program?
If interested check out the report here and demo of our database here.