News & Insights

AlliedOffsets Adds Corporate Data, Historical Prices and Images to Carbon Market API

Written by Anton Root | Feb 27, 2023 11:30:00 AM

The AlliedOffsets API has seen big improvements in the last two weeks, with three major data points being added to help companies and organizations make better sense of the voluntary carbon market (VCM).

The three categories of data improvements are:

  • Data on corporate activity in VCM: underpinning our corporate ratings is a plethora of data on company activity — this is now included in the API for clients to make use of. The data includes scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, revenues, number of employees, and more. Coming next is data on SBTi activity among these firms.
  • Historic price trends: as we have gathered more data on the indicative prices of projects’ credits, we are now able to showcase price trends over the past 12 months for each project. This data can be aggregated and presented at any level: sector, geography, registry, SDGs, etc.
  • Project images: images for projects have been among the most requested features to be added into the API, and we’re happy to say we have found images for 150+ of the world’s most popular projects; combined, these projects cover 60%+ of the retired credits in the market.

We launched the API at the end of last year, with major corporates, crypto re-fi, and marketplace startups among our early adopters. You can read more about the data we have on projects via the API here.

While there are existing APIs for the VCM, they all focus on making it easier to access and offset with credits.

The AlliedOffsets API is the first one in the market that is specifically designed to have products and services built on top of it. From being the engine for data visualization tools and custom reporting products, to forming a backbone for startups to build their products around, the API saves companies years of research and development time.

Find out more here, and feel free to get in touch for a trial!